my blackberry
how much happiness I get a type of blackberry 8320 titanium color, engga thought-I thought it was more direct and open the packaging with a very careful look at me one by one from the start of the key and does not forget to read my little guide that is neat in the box blackberry.
some time and then I start to install from start RUIM card, memory card and finally battre, and then start my turn .... not long tut then heard the sound that indicates that the Blackberry has been prepared / on.kemudian I started to install one by one according to the instructions and not long after I sign up to activate GPRS / EDGE. after some time waiting I finally appear in the top right of the screen is almost written GPRS can be calculated for the occurrence of the finger any posts EDGE didaerah difficult meungkin my home because my home area, including low, but it does not matter that it is important for me to start and can surf in the virtual world language alias gaulnya ngenat.
Indeed, so different and so fast in compare with the earlier hendphone me. and I started to think I have the blackberry does not mean I will be more difficult to receive and send email to anyone. Indeed, I never see on television that people who use BLACKBERRY first time that I see is
Elected President of the United States BARRAK OBAMA, beliu use item means that the goods are goods that have been overcome competitors who have a lot of meaning in excess compare competitors. Salud booming with me that the company that issued the product. How much profit is gained from the sale of goods is up to the competitor-competitor tools such as Nokia, Sony Ericson, MOTORROLA and lai.mungkin also BLACBERRY will mengularkan newest product in this year's .... I will wait with the faithful even though I also have to collect money to buy the latest type of BLACKBERRY BLACKBERRY for BRAVO .... BRAVO and also for the faithful BLACKBERRY.